Manufacturier de presses hydrauliques

Why You Need a Programmable Hydraulic Test Press

18 août 2022



The Different Methods of Hydraulic Testing

If you’re looking to automate your testing processes in the laboratory, programmable hydraulic test presses can be an ideal solution. A hydraulic test press, also known as an automatic hydraulic press, helps ensure that the correct amount of pressure is applied to your samples while being tested, reducing the risk of damaging them or distorting the results from the inaccurate application of force. Programmable hydraulic test presses allow you to easily increase or decrease the pressure required for each individual sample. Programmable hydraulic test presses provide many benefits that make them essential equipment in any laboratory setting by offering both computerized and manual operation.

1. Tensile testing

This Hydraulic press is usually found in manufacturing facilities but also is found in laboratories for welding quality control or large-scale pressing of items such as metals and plastics. With this press, you can do much more than just perform tensile tests. It can be used to gauge the hardness of a material by compressing it to create small cracks or the Brinell test, which gauges the hardness of metals by the size and depth of a dent made on the surface with an indenter ball.

2. Nick break testing

This is mainly employed to evaluate the ductility of welds. Welding Quality Control measures how well a weld meets specified standards and acceptance criteria. Large laboratory presses are typically available at most universities and colleges where engineering students learn the trade.

3. Compression Testing

This type of hydraulic press is designed to test whether materials are tough enough for use in industrial settings by applying large amounts of pressure, such as 10 tons or higher, to materials like steel plates or slabs so that they deform under weight into smaller sizes. The Welding Quality Control (WQC) person monitors the process from one station and ensures that the specifications are met.

4. Bend testing

This evaluates the ductility of welds and understands if a material can hold up against high pressures in industrial environments. For instance, if you need to know how thick a plate of metal needs to be before bending starts occurring, then the bend tester can help answer these questions. For example, if you need a long piece of metal that won't bend when force is applied near its ends, then your input requirements will likely require the piece of metal to have great strength-to-weight ratio and have little elongation when being pulled apart from each other.

What Factors Do You Need To Consider When Purchasing One?

When you are ready to purchase a large laboratory press, there are several factors that you need to take into account to choose the best model for your needs. First, consider the size of the press. Second, think about the level of automation that you need. Third, consider the power source. Fourth, take into account the specific features that you need. Finally, compare prices from different suppliers before making your decision.

Final Word

The Hydraulic Test Press is an essential tool for any laboratory that wants to keep its products and research safe. It can be used to test the safety of pressure vessels, provide the necessary support when welding joints and perform many other tasks. So make sure you have a large laboratory press on hand!