Manufacturier de presses hydrauliques

Why Should People Choose Your Machine Shop?

31 mai 2017
Finding a steady supply of customers is a constant challenge for small to medium size machine shops. What does it take to convince buyers that you are the best solution for their machining problem?
Successful shops center their marketing around their Unique Selling Proposition, usually called USP. That’s a fancy way of telling people what your business stands for, what makes you stand out from the crowd.
Your USP
When you’re clear about your company’s USP, you sell your strengths. Instead of trying to be everything for every possible customer, you whittle down what you offer, basing it on your shop’s strong points.
Can this really make a difference? Yes! Successful companies have a clear, straightforward USP. Prospective buyers know right away what they specialize in, what makes them the best shop for the job.
Machining offers so many processes, from drilling to pressing, from fabricating to finishing. By letting local industry and hobbyists know what you specialize in, you attract customers that make the best use of your shop’s equipment, experience, resources and staff.
You make it easy for people to choose you when they can see quickly exactly what you have to offer. Your USP can be just about anything that benefits the customer, including: 
  • A specific type of hydraulic press
  • Experience in a certain industry
  • Quick turnaround time
  • A reputation for attention to detail and precision work
  • Ability to tackle one-of-a-kind jobs
Be better at something. And then market the heck out it. Put your USP on business cards, your letterhead, in your signature line in emails. Use it as a tagline under your logo. Spread the word.
5 Steps to a Great USP
Creating your USP doesn’t have to be complicated. Experts recommend following these 5 steps.
#1. Describe your ideal customer. Start by pinpointing your target buyer. Do you want to work with buyers in a specific industry, like aircraft, large engines or factory equipment? Do you prefer working on test parts or custom pieces?
Do you want to specialize in work that centers on a specific type of equipment in your shop? Do you like precision work and have a background in the latest CNC technology?
If you like variety, you can focus on people who need quick turnaround and need custom parts. If you are an expert with repairs for rods, pistons and cylinders, make sure your USP makes that clear.
#2. Explain how you solve a problem. Look at the job from your customer’s perspective. Then describe the specific challenge they face, and how your shop can fix it.
#3. Figure out the benefits you deliver. Write down three or four ways that your customer benefits by working with you. Choose benefits that show how you stand out from other shops in the area. Select those that show how you offer better value to your customers.
#4. What are you promising your customer? Write down what you pledge your business will do for your buyers. In your final USP statement, you can imply this promise. But write it down so you are clear about what exactly you promise each customer who uses your shop.
#5. Combine into a readable sentence. First, rework what you figured out in steps 1 to 4 into a paragraph. Then fiddle with it until it is cut down to a single sentence. That’s your USP. Keep it simple, clear and specific.
Trust Pressmaster
Pressmaster has been helping machine shops stand out from the crowd for over four decades. We are known for making and customizing hydraulic presses that are technologically advanced, reliable and safe. With a Pressmaster hydraulic press, you can offer superior value to your customers.
All of our presses are made in North America. That means it is simple to find a part if you need a repair. This availability means your downtime is a minimum, with less interruption to your workflow.
If you’re ready to take your business up a notch, check out our line of H-frame presses and C-frame hydraulic presses. Call us today for a free, no-obligation quote. We are happy to answer your questions.