Manufacturier de presses hydrauliques

When is It Time to Replace Your Hydraulic Press

30 juin 2021

There are certain indicators that reveal that it may be the appropriate time to replace your hydraulic press, such as failure to reach its proper pressure level in a timely manner or making unusual noises. Even presses that have been maintained at a very high level will eventually experience failure, simply from the natural wear and tear of consistent use. It is immensely vital to be able to identify when it is necessary to replace your hydraulic press so that your shop will not experience unnecessary downtime.

Relief Valves and Pumps

One problem that is common with hydraulic presses is the presence of leaks. There are many instances in which small leaks may go undetected until they become larger, resulting is more significant damage to the press. A press that is struggling to reach the proper pressure level is indicative of a possible leak in or around the pump. It is key to identify this problem expeditiously, because if it is discovered early enough, replacing the pump may save the machine; however, if you wait too late, the damage that will be done to the machine will be irreparable.

Problems with pressure can also be the result of a faulty pressure release valve. A valve that consistently prematurely releasing pressure will make it difficult for the press to reach the correct operational pressure. If this is caught in time, it can be as simple as replacing the valve, but if not, it could mean that you will have to replace the entire machine. Most press technicians suggests that press operators familiarize themselves with the way that their press sounds and performs when it is functioning optimally. This way they will be able to identify when the machine is not operating at full capacity, subsequently allowing any small issues to be engaged immediately.

The Importance of Clean Oil

The importance of regularly changing the hydraulic oil cannot be overstated. Hydraulic oil loses its viscosity has it ages, and as the viscosity breaks down, the moving parts in the machine become more vulnerable to wear and tear. Once these parts become worn, they will impact the performance of the machine, meaning they will need to be replaced or they will eventually permanently damage the entire machine.
Oil dripping from the ram is a clear indicator that there is an immediate problem as well. Checking the oil on a regular basis can go a long way in discovering and repairing these types of problems, increasing the longevity of your hydraulic press.

Electrical Failure

One aspect of the maintenance process for hydraulic presses is commonly overlooked, and that is the maintenance of the electrical components of the machine. It is possible for the valve coils to become worn, meaning that they will need to be replaced, and if they are not replaced in a timely manner, it could cause the machine to shut down during operation. The average life span of valve coils is approximately three million strokes.
The proper function of the machine’s electrical parts is vital to the task of producing the appropriate pressure. When electrical components are not operating correctly, it can lead to poor performance or the machine shutting down. It is immensely important to ensure that all electrical parts are properly maintained to ensure that the machine performs optimally, and to guarantee that there is no down time.

Crimping and Hoses

It is extremely important to ensure that all hydraulic hoses are properly maintained, or your hydraulic press will experience problems maintaining proper pressure. Leaking hydraulic fluid due to a faulty hose can also create a safety hazard. Hoses should be checked on a regular basis to ensure that there are no cracks or crimping in the hose. Crimping in the hose can negatively impact the pressure of the machine as well. It is important that the maintenance of the hydraulic hoses be handled by a trained professional.

Dealing with Cracked Frames

The stability of the frame of a press is vital to the machine’s ability to absorb the force of the process, creating a precise and smooth operation. Even the most subtle crack in a frame can create problems with performance. Stress and fatigue cracks will generally start out small, but they will become progressively worse, until the machine simply cannot function properly. If you detect a crack, you should immediately contact an expert that will know how to deal with the situation. This may also be the time in which you should consider contacting a reputable manufacturer to purchase a new press.

In With the New

It is crucial to know when it is time to replace your existing press. The longer that you go with a press that should be replaced, the lower the performance of the press and the poorer the proficiency. These machines are responsible for creating a number of vital parts for multitudinous machines and mechanisms, this is why you cannot afford to have your press breakdown. If your press is not performing properly, it just might be time for a new one.