Manufacturier de presses hydrauliques

What Hydraulic Press Is Best for the Hobbyist?

31 mars 2017

If you have a home workshop, you probably love gadgets. That’s why so many hobbyists put the hydraulic press, truly a gadget on steroids, at the top of their Want-To-Get list.

A hydraulic press doesn’t come cheap. For a hobbyist and weekend handyman, it is a major investment. To get the best machine for your money, it makes sense to research what is available and figure out how you will use it.

Why Get Your Own Hydraulic Press

You can probably think up a whole list of things you could do with a press. Just look at the many YouTube channels showing hydraulic presses crushing an endless variety of materials. The most popular is the Hydraulic Press Channel starring Finnish machine shop worker Lauri Vuchensilta. Every week he explodes, folds, crushes and generally mutilates everything from fruit to dolls, diamonds to hockey pucks.

Many types of hobbies can benefit from the power of a hydraulic press. These machines can stamp, pierce, flatten, forge, and broach. They bring power to a range of processes that let you work with all types of materials, from metal to plastic, cardboard to ceramic. Inventors use them to make their own prototypes.

Advice from the Pros

But according to machine shop professionals, after hobbyists buy a hydraulic press, they actually use it just a few times a year. If that sounds like you, they suggest that you farm out the work to a machine shop.

True, your own hydraulic press comes with bragging rights. It’s a wonderful way to show off to your fellow hobbyists and neighbors. But is it worth the expense? And the space?

Expense. These machines are big and complex, and their price reflects that. You can buy hydraulic presses used. Check Craigslist and classified ads. But you don’t really know if you are getting a good deal, and a fully working press, until you try it out yourself. You might be buying someone else’s problems. And you also need to factor in the cost of transporting it.

Space. These machines are large and heavy. It is worth considering whether or not you want to add to the clutter, so common in home workshops, with a big, cumbersome machine you will seldom use.

Selecting the Right Hydraulic Press

If you decide it’s worth it and you have the space, then you need to do your research. List everything you want to do with the press. What processes do you want to accomplish? What do you want to make with its help? What is your budget?

Check with other hobbyists who have invested in their own press. You can find them in online forums and in your local area. Find out what they like about their press and what they would do differently if they purchased one again. They can tell you what features are most practical and that they actually use.

Then start looking for the press that meets your needs. No one hydraulic press will work for every hobbyist. Match the press to the processes you need it to perform. Check to see what is available online and in trade and hobby magazines.

It’s smart to get a hydraulic press that does as much as possible, and still fits into your budget.

Trust Experience

Confused about what hydraulic press to get? Experienced press users trust Press Master. The company has been making and selling the highest quality machinery for over 40 years. They specialize in reliable, durable, safe and versatile presses that handle a wide range of processes.

All of their hydraulic presses are made in North America. Replacement parts are easily available. That means downtime is kept to a minimum.

The company emphasizes safety first with all of their hydraulic presses. A wide range of features come standard on their presses that make their equipment safe to operate and easy to learn.

When you are looking for the best hydraulic press for your hobby shop, or for a machine shop, trust the experts at Press Master.