Manufacturier de presses hydrauliques

Ways to Use LinkedIn to Market Your Machine Shop

31 mai 2018

Looking for customers? Get to know LinkedIn, the business-oriented social media platform that has over 500 million users.

Not sure what it’s all about? Treat it as a virtual business group, just like breakfast business gatherings, trade shows and professional meetings. It’s a place to network and build relationships.

The old adage is true, it is who you know--and who your network knows. On LinkedIn, you deal with business owners and decision makers, and the word spreads to their network. Just like with any professional group, word-of-mouth is the best type of advertising. That’s what happens once you establish a relationship.

Here is a look at 3 ways you can use LinkedIn to market your machine shop.

Grow Your Machinery Network

The people on LinkedIn are there for business purposes. That simplifies your marketing efforts. Just like you, people are looking for customers, workers and suppliers. Posts and articles are all concentrated on business-related topics.

Because of its focus, LinkedIn is an efficient social platform for busy owners and managers. You spend less time wading through irrelevant info. You can find exactly the types of people and businesses that will help you.

Set up a company page and join industry-related groups. Stay consistently active by adding posts to your page and participating in group discussions.

Establish Your Expertise

Set up a company page that tells viewers what your types of jobs your shop handles. Talk about jobs you’ve done and your customers. Keep adding new content so your page always looks fresh.

You can post status updates when you finish a big project. Mention when you get a new hydraulic press or other equipment in your shop. This is especially helpful when it can handle special types of jobs.

Join specialty groups on LinkedIn that are related to machine shops and the types of jobs you want to attract. Answer questions from others in the group. When you act as a resource that helps them with their business, you are ensuring they see you as an expert in your field.

Message the people in your groups and network. It’s not about spamming. Send helpful information to them. Make it mutually beneficial.

Investigate Your Market

Wondering what types of machining jobs your customers want? You can ask your network on LinkedIn and get an accurate idea quickly. As your network grows, you have access to people who make decisions. They can tell you what capabilities they use now and what they need in the future.

It actually helps that these owners are located in different parts of the country. You can an assessment that is wide ranging.

Your Success Is Our Success

Help build your customer base with LinkedIn. Build your machine shop with equipment and expertise from Press Master. For over 40 years, we have been helping companies just like yours.

Here at Press Master, we are proud of your reputation for innovation, safety and dependability. Our presses are versatile and sturdy, just what you need to tackle all types of jobs.

With the right hydraulic press from Press Master, you can accept a wide range of jobs and get them out accurately and on time. When your customers are happy, your shop grows.

We can customize a press to fit your exact needs and specifications. And all our presses use parts that are available all over North America. That means minimal downtime when you need to replace a component.

Call Press Master today to find out how our hydraulic presses can help your machine shop grow.