Manufacturier de presses hydrauliques

Top 3 Misconceptions About Hydraulic Presses

10 juin 2020

Hydraulic presses are the most commonly utilized technologies. In the compacting industry, hydraulic presses help in packing meat, cheese, and other consumables. When it comes to the making of appliances, they are commonly used to create or assemble electrical parts.

For example, they are generally used to assemble microwaves, dishwashers, and refrigerators. These presses also help in compression particulate matter used in ceramics. The ceramics are commonly used in body armor, potent magnets, and even semiconductors.

Other applications are in the automobile, aerospace and the military. Basically, without hydraulic presses, the world would be devoid of appliances, vehicles, and more.

Here are the top 3 misconceptions about hydraulic presses.

1. Hydraulic Presses Are Recent Inventions

We all know that the first hydraulic press was invented by Joseph Bramah, of England in 1795. He first implemented the first hydraulic press to pump beer from cellars to taps in pubs. The year 1795 is not five years, ten years, or 100 years ago. It was more than two centuries ago.

But did you know that the principles of hydraulic transmissions go way back to the 1600s? Yes, Blaise Pascal was among the first inventors to front the principles of pressure. Today, modern hydraulic presses still use Pascal’s Law to work.

2. Hydraulic Presses Are Not Safe

Power presses and assembly presses are large machines that create extreme pressure. Because of the heavy operations associated with these presses, many assume they are dangerous.

Well, that is a misconception. Even powerful presses like power presses have a lot of safety measures such as electrical safety devices. If the operator follows the safety guidelines, no harm will come to the operator or the press itself.

Basically, a hydraulic press is like any other machine. If operators follow the proper procedure, the machine will not cause harm or damage.

3. Oil Is Pulled Through the Hydraulic System

Another common misconception is that hydraulic systems, even those found in hydraulic presses, pull the oil. Hydraulic systems follow Pascal’s principle of pressure. It states that “a pressure change to a confined incompressible fluid is generally transmitted through the fluid that the same change occurs everywhere.”

Since the pressure in a closed system is constant, a press can mold, punch, and perform deep drawing functions. The press can also forge and create intricate shapes. This is possible because the hydraulics push oil through the system.

What you need to know is that the unrestricted flow of oil is essential. If the flow becomes blocked, pressure in the hydraulics will drop. This results in problems.

Final Thoughts

Hydraulic presses are complex machines. Without the buildup of pressure in the system, power generation is not possible. To ensure the machine produces enough pressure to work, the system must be tightly sealed.

If you need help with your hydraulic presses, get in touch with us today!