Manufacturier de presses hydrauliques

Tips on Choosing the Right Hydraulic Press Machine for Metal Forming

8 avril 2021

Metal forming, or the work that comes from manipulating metal is varied and can be done many different ways.

Stamping and roll forming are just two of the most common processes when it comes to machining. When working with metal you'll invariably find yourself needing to use a hydraulic press.

You probably will see a hydraulic press in any machine shop. They are truly versatile and can be used to form metal in any shape you want. They can do almost anything, from creating parts for assembling a heavy duty truck to crafting fine jewellery with intricate and delicate designs.

Not all hydraulic presses are alike, though. To ensure you get the most of hydraulic press to be used for working metal with a hydraulic press, there are a few considerations to keep in mind.

What is Tensile Strength and Compressive Strength?

Tensile strength is often referred to as UTS, or ultimate tensile strength. In simple terms, it's the maximum allowable stretching force for a metal before it breaks.

On the other end of the spectrum, a metal will have a compressive strength, or the maximum allowable compressive force before the material begins to deform.


Calculating Force per Unit

It's important to know the tensile strength of the metal you'll be working on using a hydraulic press.

To get an accurate UTS reading, you will need to divide the cross-section that will be stretched by force, or otherwise known as the force per unit.

FPU is a unit that comes in handy when you wish to determine the ksi, or kilo pounds per square inch, or psi, or force pounds per square inch. Most machinists and metalworking companies will use the generic kis, or kilo pounds per square inch.

To perfectly preserve the material's state the value of tensile strength should be computed if it's not written down. Before working the hydraulic press the operator must have the information in order to have clear parameters of how much force to apply.


Is Compressive Strength or Tensile Strength More Important?

It's worthy to note that tensile strength may be different or the same as compressive strength, and it all depends on the material that will be machined.

For example, steel is commonly used in manufacturing and metal forming and has a nearly identical compressive strength and tensile strength. This means the force that will be applied via hydraulic press will be mostly the same regardless of whether you want to stretch or compress it to your specifications.

Concrete, on the other hand has a low tensile strength but has a remarkable compressive strength.


Before Starting Work, Know Your Materials

Machinists should know the material's tensile strength and compressive strength before they start working the hydraulic press. Not only does this promote safety but it also lets you work with confidence knowing that the material won't break or deform.

Note that other factors, such as corrosion resistance, hardness heat tolerance and welding capacity can come into play depending on how you intend to fashion the material.

To know more about the most common hydraulic press terminology, click here.

Press Master is a top hydraulic press manufacturer in North America. Our machines are of the highest make and guaranteed to be intuitive and operator-friendly.