Manufacturier de presses hydrauliques


31 janvier 2023
So, what is all the fuss regarding this automated hydraulic test press? Firstly, this type of hydraulic test press uses less effort and manpower than the other laboratory presses, such as the mini hydraulic press manual hydraulic press. The Manual press is hand operated, meaning it requires technicians to be always on stand-by and is considered labor intensive. The programmable press has electric motors that drive the machine and almost eliminate the need for technicians, therefore cutting labor costs.
Secondly, since they can be programmed to consider different factors such as size, temperature, and amount of pressure needed, the tests are conducted more accurately and precisely than the manual test press. Thirdly, since most of the process is automated and with the ease of operation as simple as a push of a button, it is more time efficient. Therefore, more workload and tests can be done within a relatively shorter period; as the saying goes, time is money.
This programmable hydraulic test press is also quite advantageous because it can multitask and be customized to perform quality control and destructive laboratory tests. When purchasing one of these babies, you have to consider factors such as size, compatibility, and level of automation. This is to be able to determine the force exhibited by your hydraulic press and determine if it can do the task at hand.

Methods of Hydraulic Press Testing


1. Nice break testing

This is one of the destructive testing techniques. It is used to determine the quality of a weld. The specimen is dissected, and the interior parts are inspected for defects. No exposed flaw should be more than an eighth of an inch. These tests enhance the performance of these metals in their general applications.

2. Compression testing

This test on various samples examines their reactions when subjected to compressional and crushing forces. The specimen is first placed under the compression plates, and then its response and behavior toward crashing forces applied to it are monitored through a stress chart. This test is common in measuring an object's modulus of elasticity.

3. Tensile testing

This is another type of destructive testing technique. This test is used to test the tensile strength of an object. The specimen is pressed between grips, and opposite forces are applied to result in stretching forces on it until it breaks. The objective of this test is not only to determine its tensile strength but also to yield strength and level of ductility.

4. Bend testing

This is a type of quality control test. It is subjected to various objects to determine its bend strength and its level of resistance to fracture. A sample is commonly subjected to a specified arc under the guided bend test to determine the object's behavior. The test is commonly performed on metals, plastic, and composite materials.
Now you are conversant with the programmable hydraulic test press and its pool of advantages. It is more efficient and cost-effective due to cutting labor costs, requires little or no effort, saves precious time, and can handle large volumes of workload, making it suitable for large-scale manufacturing. It also supports quality control and destructive tests such as nice braking, compression, tensile, and bend testing. The cherry on top is that this programmable hydraulic machine can test and support a workload of up to 12 tons to 300 tons depending on its size amazing right?