Manufacturier de presses hydrauliques

Shop Quality, Not Price for Your Next Hydraulic Press

6 juillet 2018

Want to ensure long-term profits for your machine shop? Invest in the best quality hydraulic presses and other equipment. Production will flow reliably through your shop. The work you do will meet the requirements of your demanding clients-.

As experts in hydraulic presses and related implements, the team here at Press Master can't emphasize enough how important it is to buy the best you can afford. All too often we hear about a press breaking down, which slows down the entire production cycle. Your deadlines take a hit, your customers are unhappy, and your workers can't do their job.

Hydraulic presses and other machine shop tools aren't cheap. But do you realize that superior quality doesn't always mean the highest price. When you shop for a press, look at the track record of the manufacturer. Ask others in your network what presses they use. And most importantly, which presses would they buy again.

Look at four major points when choosing a press:

  • safety
  • dependability
  • durability
  • locally available parts
  • Safety

Press Masters' innovative low pressure system makes each hydraulic press we make safer for workers. High pressure equipment is dangerous for operators when a leak develops. But our low-pressure design eliminates this problem.

Each Press Master hydraulic press has safety built in. For example, we use simple fingertip controls to make it easier for the operator.


Dependability and Durability

We've been making presses for over four decades, earning a reputation for long-lasting presses that are easy to maintain. Our low-pressure hydraulic system keeps oil temperatures lower. Parts last longer and makes operation safer and more reliable.


Locally Available Parts

When you do need a new part, you'll find it quickly and locally throughout North America. No waiting for components to be shipped from overseas. That means less downtime and greater efficiency.


When You're Successful, We're Successful

Press Master is focused on the success of your machine shop, whether it is big or small. We produce the most innovative and dependable hydraulic presses available. Our quality is the highest, not our prices.

Ask around. You'll discover that we deliver high performance and reliability at a price you can afford. If you need a press that performs a specific job, let us know. We can customize a press to meet the exact specifications your customers need.

Call Press Master today to discuss what you need in a safe, high quality, reliable hydraulic press.