Manufacturier de presses hydrauliques

Heavy Duty Hydraulics--Pressmaster Shop Presses

26 octobre 2016
Investing in a hydraulic press needs careful planning and proactive research on your part as the consumer so as to ensure that the features and capabilities of your would-be shop press match your specific machining needs! Given that not all hydraulic presses are created equal, it goes without saying that getting the right one for your line of production can make all the difference in your business. One thing is for sure; everyone loves a good return on their investment!
Consider these shop press features and capabilities:
Full pressing force
Shop presses are a legitimate powerhouse when it comes to delivering pressing force. Most hydraulic presses are designed to include the ability to exert full force throughout each stroke (the ram travel distance) regardless of the point of contact. This type of power makes the shop press a better choice as compared to the more traditional mechanical press. The fact that shop presses derive their energy from hydraulic pressure allows for the manipulation of fluid pressure to impact the overall power exerted depending on the job at hand.
Accurate performance
A hydraulic press has lateral movement slide control which eliminates any imminent inaccuracies following imbalanced loads or faulty centering. This also allows for the shop press to be adjusted suiting each specific job parameters therefore delivering the desired finish with precision. A centralized lubrication system controls the glider at a more manageable and user-friendly level to further give the machinist more design options and adjustment freedom where need be.
Flexible parameters
A Shop press offers more flexibility in terms of what can be achieved. The options of large bed presses and small bed presses allows for low tonnage and high tonnage respectively. Manipulation of ram speed to combat excessive ram movement and also alternating pressure levels is important in offering shorter production cycles and job customization. Such flexibility is essential when dealing with different materials that require varied finishes.
Customizable features
A hydraulic press, unlike its distant cousin; the mechanical press, is not restricted to bed size versus tonnage standardization. Anyone looking to invest in a shop press can dictate which features are beneficial to their line of production and therefore request a customized version. For instance, deflections can be avoided altogether by adjusting the bed press size and restructuring the tonnage options.
Durability and maintenance costs
Considering long term benefits and returns, you should choose your next hydraulic press wisely. If your shop press is for daily use, then it is wise to factor in the overall functions in relation to the weight of the press. An H-Frame press like Pressmaster’s HFP-100T, weighing 2,400 lbs, will withstand more pressing force as compared to one that is of a lesser weight, therefore making it a better choice when considering durability.
At the end of the day, your needs and your pocketbook will determine which hydraulic press you invest in. Feel free to browse the Pressmaster catalogue or contact us for your specific needs.