Manufacturier de presses hydrauliques

Buy Local, Expect Quality, Save Money on your Machinery

30 décembre 2021

Your key machinery is what gives you the cutting edge, literally, in the machine shop business. That’s why it makes sense to buy your equipment from a North American manufacturer.

Buying a hydraulic press made in North American offers a range of critical advantages to owners and managers of machine shops. These include:

  • Buying choices that are more cost-effective
  • Communication that is easier and more accurate
  • Customization fine-tuned to your needs
  • Turnaround that is faster and guaranteed

Here is a look at how you can save time, frustration and money by buying locally.

Lost in Translation

Locating companies that sell hydraulic presses in Asia is difficult, even if you get the directories and websites translated. Asian translations into English are often haphazard at best and almost worthless for providing accurate specs.

The buying process can be arduous, involving as it does both language and cultural challenges. Once you get the equipment into North America, you need to figure out the documentation for use and for maintenance.

If repairs and upkeep aren’t done correctly, the warranty will not be in effect. But if you can’t figure out the manual, it’s next to impossible to determine what the manufacturer recommends.

If you need to have the press repaired, the serviceperson may not have experience with an Asian product. He will be confronted with the same problems you have when reading the documentation.

Email and phone messages are fast, almost instantaneous. But they are only as effective as the understanding between recipient and sender.

Boats Are Slow

Waiting for a new part to get from one side of USA to the other may seem excruciating. Waiting for one from Asia produces its own kind of hell. And as every manager knows, downtime costs a machine shop more than money.

Not only does it hurt to see workers standing around with nothing to do, you are also looking at angry customers when deadlines aren’t met. The ripple effect of waiting for repairs and parts can have a significant impact on your bottom line at the time of the repair and for months to come.

Lost in the Details

Many shops want their hydraulic press customized. When you ask for specific features, you need them to be precise, fine-tuned for your individual shop. Conveying your needs accurately takes ease of communication and constant access to the people doing the work.

That’s what you don’t get if your supplier speaks another language and resides an ocean away. It is what you can expect when the manufacturer, especially one with over three decades of experience, is headquartered in North American.

Long-Term Costs

The lure of low prices on expensive machinery has attracted many to the Asian marketplace over the years. But the economic meltdown of 2008, increased energy costs and higher shipping costs has all but eliminated this as a reason to look to China and other Asian countries to fill your machinery needs.

In the long run, you save money by buying from a Canadian manufacturer. Here is a look at the ways it is your most cost-effective choice:

  • The equipment is made by a company with a strong reputation in North America so you know it will last.
  • Expensive customization is done by experts, with ongoing input from you, the customer, so you know you are getting what you paid for.
  • Manuals, warranties are clearly written and understandable.
  • If you have questions about maintenance, help is just a phone call or email away.
  • If you need a part, it can be shipped quickly, reducing downtime.
  • Service people in North America are familiar with the product and can provide professional repairs quickly and properly.
  • You don’t have to worry about boat schedules and import restrictions.

Buying your next hydraulic press from Press Master gives you peace of mind. You save money, time and frustration now and in the future by choosing a manufacturer known for quality and reliability.