Manufacturier de presses hydrauliques

Avoid Downtime and System Failure: Stop Hydraulic Overheating

3 octobre 2019

Downtime is every machine shop owner’s nightmare. One of the top reasons your hydraulic systems start to malfunction and eventually fail is overheating. The good news is you can avoid most causes of excess heat in your hydraulic fluid and take steps to keep it stable.

Not sure why your presses are overheating? Here is an overview of the causes and tips for maintaining the correct temperature.


Why Is My Hydraulic Press Overheating?

The fundamental cause of overheating is that your press is generating heat at a quicker rate than it is dissipating it. This type of press is not working efficiently. The most common reason is a set of deficiencies in the basic design of the hydraulic press.

The easiest way to prevent it is to select a press designed with heating safeguards in mind and built with quality parts. That’s why so many shop owners come to RK Machinery. They know the press they buy will last for years and run at stable temperatures when properly maintained.


What Is the Right Temperature for Hydraulic Fluid in my press?

Anytime the temperature of the hydraulic fluid goes over 180°F, your press is in danger. Temperatures in that range and above have the power to harm critical compounds in the seals. Once they are damaged, leaks are the result.

The longer the higher temperatures continue, the more damage occurs within your expensive press. It gradually becomes less efficient, increasing the chances of it overheating. At the same time, other parts of the equipment lose their effectiveness. Eventually the press is unusable.

With continued overheating, the fluid’s viscosity diminishes. It no longer has the capability to provide a barrier of protection against heat and friction. This makes the problems caused by overheating even worse.


How Can I Keep My Press Safe from Overheating?

To prevent overheating, you need to keep the hydraulic fluid temperature stable. That means dissipating the heat of the fluid faster that your press is producing the heat.

According to the experts, you need a hydraulic system producing input power a minimum of 100 kw input power at 80 percent efficiency rate. This is enough to dissipate at a minimum 20 kw of heat load.

Use as an example a press that has a cooling system of 25 kw capacity. Damage would start if the heat rate was more than 25 kw or the cooling capacity was decreased below 25 kw.

Preventing overheating comes down to regular maintenance. The most reliable way to ensure that the hydraulic fluid in your presses does not overheat is to keep your press in good repair. That means having competent staff handle scheduled upkeep. Allow time for workers to do a thorough job. Never put off maintenance and keep up-to-date records of all work that is done.

Be sure to change the fluid according to manufacturer’s recommendations and your own experience. When the hydraulic fluid is in good shape, your entire system will stay more efficient and less likely to overheat.

The result is a press that lasts years longer and produces quality jobs consistent. You will experience far less downtime due to press damage and system failure.


PressMaster: Quality That’s Built-In

Over the last four decades, PressMaster  has built a reputation for quality hydraulic presses and accessories. Our designers and builders use the latest technology to produce cutting edge equipment that lasts for years.

Our presses are sturdy and easy to maintain, reducing downtime in your shop. If one of our presses needs a repair, you can find parts quickly and affordably all over North America. No more waiting for a part to ship from overseas.

Our presses are versatile, able to adapt to a variety of job requirements. If you need a press to fill particular specifications, we can customize one to fit your exact needs.

Call PressMaster today to find out more about the finest hydraulic presses and accessories on the market.