Manufacturier de presses hydrauliques

5 Tips to Improve Your Hiring System for Long-Term Success

4 décembre 2017

Even a small machine shop needs a well thought out hiring procedure. When you put together a system, you stand a much better chance of finding the right person for each job.

Here are 5 tips that will help you streamline your hiring system and help you choose workers that fit best into the job and your shop.

#1. Be Clear in Your Job Description

Write out a job description that accurately describes what you want your worker to do. This is true if you’re looking for someone to run your newest hydraulic press or if you need administrative help in the office.

Yes, most press operator jobs require basically the same skills. But each shop, including yours, has its own requirements. Be sure they are spelled out clearly in your job ad.

You get the most suitable applicants when prospective employees understand what the job entails. Include all the tasks you expect him to do and what experience he needs.

#2. Put the Word Out on Social Media Sites

Don’t confine yourself to job hiring sites. Your workers are hanging out on social media sites, like Facebook and LinkedIn. Go where they are to find the largest pool of prospects.

Post your job ad. Answer questions. Let people know what you have to offer to new employees in the way of perks and benefits.

#3. Ask the Right Questions

Set aside unhurried time for the job interview. Give it your full attention. It’s well worth it, an investment in the future stability and productivity of your company.

Ask about job experience and training. And go beyond that. Ask where the person wants to be in 10 years, listen to him when he describes what makes him excited about a job.

Be sure to leave time for the prospective worker to ask you questions. He needs to figure out if your machine shop is a good fit too.

#4. Check References

This sounds so basic. It’s surprising how often it’s overlooked. Take the time to call past employers. And double-check that the person has the training he says he has.

It’s easier to find out during the hiring process that the would-be employee doesn’t have the skills you need. And much cheaper than finding out in the middle of a big production run.

#5. Take Time to Find the Best Worker

It’s hard not to choose the first person that walks through the door when you’ve got a major job and deadline looming. But you won’t get the best worker that way.

Take the time to find a worker that matches your needs closely, has a good work history and a personality that meshes with your shop.

Work with Press Master

For more than 40 years, Press Master has been helping machine shops get the job done. We know that when you are successful, we are successful.

We make the highest quality, most innovative hydraulic presses in North America. Using cutting edge technology, we produce equipment that is long lasting, versatile, safe and reliable. For all your machine shop needs, including H-frame and C-frame hydraulic presses, hydraulic shears and press brakes, you can depend on Press Master.

We have a reputation for customizing our presses to meet the exact needs of a machine shop. We can modify our presses to give you added flexibility.

Call Press Master today for more information about the right hydraulic press for your needs.