Manufacturier de presses hydrauliques

5 Critical Reasons to Shop Locally for Your Key Machines

2 mars 2022

Hydraulic presses are expensive. It’s natural to look at cost first when checking out new machinery. But selecting the right press involves more than just price.

A number of Asian companies, especially in mainland China, offer hydraulic presses. But it’s not that easy getting the press you want, when you want it. Differences in language, time zones and expectations can cause major headaches for North American machine shops.

Negotiating the price, making sure the equipment has the features you want, arranging international shipping and getting it in a reasonable timeframe—all of this takes time and effort.

Get the hydraulic press you need quickly and affordably by buying from a North American manufacturer. Here is a look at five good reasons to shop locally for your next piece of key machinery.

#1. Clear Communication

When you deal with an Asian manufacturer, the communication problems often start with the website. The translation into English is usually rudimentary. Even figuring out how to contact the sales representative can be a challenge.

That’s just the beginning. Every step of the way, from agreeing on price, features and shipping, you will encounter language differences. This makes it easy for misunderstandings to develop.

#2. Shipping and Delivery

When you order a press from Asia, you need to factor in shipping time. Delays are common with international freight. There is also extensive paperwork involved that must be filled out and submitted to a range of agencies. All of this can cause delays.

Whether your new press is a replacement for a worn out model or an upgrade for new types of jobs, you need it sooner, not later. If turnaround is a key issue, you are building in problems by ordering from so far away.

#3. Maintenance

Hydraulic presses in machine shops get a major workout from a steady stream of jobs. That means maintenance is critical to keeping it up and running.

Preventive maintenance involves following the guidelines from the manufacturer. Can your workers understand the documentation? Is it comprehensive?

When a press needs a repair or new parts, where can you find them? If the machine was built in China, you might need to order replacement components from them. This can add weeks to the machine’s downtime. If you can’t use the machine, you can’t meet your deadlines.


#4. Customization of your Hydraulic Press

Do you need specific features added to your press? Many shops need a certain level of customization so they can handle the precise needs of their customers. Making sure you get exactly what you need requires one-on-one discussion between you and the manufacturer.

The collaboration is ongoing. Both of you need to understand exactly what you need and what the manufacturer can deliver. This can be a challenge when dealing with Asian manufacturers.

#5. Price Add-ons

A decade or more ago, the price differences between presses made in North America and in Asia were substantial. That isn’t the case now. The gap in prices between Asian and North American hydraulic press is much narrower now.

Shipping costs are higher due to fluctuating energy costs and availability. Wages are going up in China, which means it costs more for manufacturers to make the hydraulic presses.

Buying Local

Many machine shop owners choose to work with a North American manufacturer to avoid these problems. Look at the advantages:


  • You speak the same language.
  • You are in the same time zone, or one very close.
  • Shipping is across the continent, not the ocean.
  • Paperwork for transport is familiar to, and understood by, all parties.
  • Replacement parts, in most cases, can be bought in your own city.
  • Custom replacement parts can be shipped from PressMaster quickly and inexpensively.
  • Sales reps and technicians can work with you closely so both of you understand exactly what type of customization you need.
  • If you have questions about maintenance, parts or operation, answers are just a phone call away.

PressMaster is your local choice for all types of key hydraulic machinery. We offer multiple model variants and know how to tailor each machine to meet your exact needs. When you buy from PressMaster, you are assured of getting the highest quality equipment made with the superior materials and components. Our prices are competitive and our customer service is second to none.